About the project
The project "Izročilo" (in English: The Lore) is based on the need to preserve the heritage of the local area of Brkini and Karst. It aims to pass the value of heritage to the younger generation, raise awareness of the importance of preserving the rich natural and cultural heritage of the area and showcase new-age potentials of how to use heritage for the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas.
The online platform documents heritage of the Karst and Brkini region, primarily in the form of short documentaries, highlighting its role and its importance for the future. The platform uses advanced technologies to provide functionalities for the use of this content for education, promotion of the heritage-rich area, marketing of heritage products and raising awareness of the importance of the local natural and cultural lore.
The project aims to:
- strenghten the visibility of the cultural heritage of Brkini and Karst as well as all related heritage crafts, services and products
- harvest the learning potential of local lore and pass it to younger generations
- present heritage crafts, products and services in an integrated way, using modern digital technologies and innovative approaches, and thus
> increase the added value of these crafts, products and services
> expand the market for heritage crafts, products and services
> encourage heritage stakeholders to use modern digital technologies; and
> highlight the role of local heritage in developing entrepreneurship, creating rural jobs, preserving the rural landscape and boosting the quality of life in rural areas.

The operation includes the development of a prototype, i.e. a heritage online workshop, and the establishment of three new products (package services) which will form a stable support structure for the further marketing of local products/services/crafts.
In the long term, the platform will become an online hub for local craftsmen, artisans and other stakeholders who decide to get involved or participate by marketing their products or leasing packages of services. In this way, the platform will strengthen the visibility and added value of heritage crafts/services/products and contribute to the development of a wide range of quality crops, products and services.
Project implementation period: October 10th 2021 to June 10th2023
Project partners: Dobra pot Institute (lead partner and platform operator), Srečka Kosovela Sežana School Centre, Jasmina Klopčič (knitting assistant), IT company SVON.
- Kaspr (communication)
- BeGR8 Media (photo and video)
- Pika Ciuha (design)
Location of the operation: Municipality of Divača, Municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina, Municipality of Sežana and Municipality of Komen
Project Manager: Nava Vardjan
More on the funding instrument:
> Rural Development Programme
> European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and by the Republic of Slovenia under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. The project is being implemented under the sub-measure 19.2: Implementation of community-led local development operations. The entity responsible for the content of the project is Zavod Dobra pot. The managing authority designated for the implementation of Slovenia’s Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 is the Slovene Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. Project partners are Šolski center Srečka Kosovela Sežana, Jasmina Klopčič and the company SVON.